ASP’s 5th Golf tournament

ASP’s 5th Golf tournament

Thursday 30 June we held our annual Golf tournament. This year we chose the beautiful Landgoed Bergvliet near Breda, as a location for our golf event. Before noon the first golfers arrived to warm up and explore the golf course. After a good coffee and a snack it was time for them to take off and the golf tournament officially started. In the afternoon we invited some of our colleagues, partners and customers to participate to a golf clinic. Despite the weather everyone had a great time, and some of us even got to go home with a price…

Thank you to all our customers, partners, colleagues and friends, for your presence that day! It is your presence that turned this event into a great success! We look forward to seeing you next year!

Winners Golf tournament

Nearest: Olivier Plaitin from Brussels Airlines
Longest: Graham Freeman from Voxbone

Category: less than handicap 27

Rogier Taylor from Grow promoter with 38
Rik Mampaey from Daneels with 34
Dirk Vanhaeren from Day by day courier

Category: more than handicap 27

Thijs Bokkers from with 43
Lieven Lambrecht from Worldline with 42
Maarten Burgers from Rollepaal

Winners Golf clinic

Customer price: Dirk Van Dael from Renault
Partner price: Mattias Denys from Dell
ASP price: Ilyas Lamkadame


You can find all the photos from the event here.

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