21 & 23 August – Fireworks event

21 & 23 August – Fireworks event

On 21st and 23rd of August, ASP organized a special hospitality event: the International Fireworks contest in Knokke by speedboat. Our ambition was to gather customers on boats sharing a good moment with them while enjoying the fireworks from the seaside.

First stop at the restaurant

On 21st of August, with the first group, we began by eating a delicious meal in Alberta, the harbor restaurant of the RBSC, situated in front of the seaside, giving each customer the chance to get to know each order and exchange experiences/challenges in their ICT environment. Of course, they had the opportunity to talk to different people within the organization: management, sales, back office and engineers.

On 23rd, we booked another location to eat with the second group of customers: ‘t Werftje. Famous for its homemade shrimp croquettes, the restaurant also offers a convivial atmosphere. Clients had the opportunity to enjoy various fish dishes with some delicious wine.

After our hunger was stilled, we boarded the Triple P and the 7 Seas, 2 Capelli ribs rented especially for the occasion.

On the boat

We left the marina of Zeebrugge to sail to the coast of Knokke. The time was right to have a drink on the boat and watch the Fireworks. Given the rather limited wave height, the boats were able to anchor next to each other.
We enjoyed the International fireworks festival – organized from 17 to 25 august – the biggest competition for years where several countries compete according to preset criteria such as play of color, originality, and synchronization with music. Every second day, a country put together a great show hoping to win.

17 August: France
19 August: Czech republic
21 August: Italy
23 August: Poland
25 August: Belgium

A last drink before saying goodbye

When the fireworks were over, we took the direction of the Old Steamer, a world-famous pub in Zeebrugge for a last drink. All attendees had an unforgettable experience throughout the evening and had so much fun together.

From our side, we took pleasure organizing and enjoying this happening with you, our valued clients. Everyone contributed to its success and made these evenings unforgettable. We look forward to seeing you next year again!

And the winner of the contest is … Czech Republic

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