COVID – Ask yourself: How to do homeworking in the best way?

COVID – Ask yourself: How to do homeworking in the best way?

Since the beginning of the COVID crisis, homeworking became mandatory to ASP. In a short time period, we were all forced to work from home from the 13th March. Switching to homeworking was not difficult for ASP due to our actual infrastructure already thought for it. Is it also one of the main concerns of your business?

During this extraordinary period, at ASP, we asked ourselves some several questions about homeworking. There is no single solution, the reason why it is very important to ask the right questions. In this way, ASP was able to head in the direction wanted.

Making homeworking available for your employees, raise a lot of questions related to IT:

  • What is the best infrastructure/technology for homeworking?
  • Will we need this temporary or will it stay for long?
  • Who has a device from the company and can use it to work from home?
  • Who will work on his/her own device?
  • How do we keep this whole homeworking environment secured?
  • How will everyone connect to the company?
  • How will have everyone access to our applications?
  • Do we have already something that we can use for it?
  • Do we have the office or computer equipment essential for homeworking?
  • What will it cost to make homeworking available for our employees?

We have strong experience in different technologies concerning remote working. We, at ASP, can help you with the IT questions you have about this topic.

We are 8 weeks within the COVID crisis and probably you have already an infrastructure for homeworking now.

What if you don’t have an infrastructure for homeworking…?

For those who don’t, don’t panic. It is not abnormal. If it is not possible for your company, or you don’t know how to handle it. Well, do not hesitate and contact ASP!

What if you do already have an infrastructure?

ASP can still help you! We can help with finetuning and securing that infrastructure. We can also do a review of the current infrastructure and propose optimizations.

As a preparation for the questions that we will answer together with you, below you find some articles that explain some topics about homeworking. Going from the infrastructure level over how to handle certain needs of employees and security.

In case you want to start today, do not hesitate to contact our salespersons:

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