Michael Dell at Dell Solutions Tour Brussels

Michael Dell at Dell Solutions Tour Brussels

On Wednesday September 17 2014 ASP was present at the Dell Solutions Tour in Brussels. I was fortunate in being right at the front, close to the stage! Michael Dell presented and discussed Dell’s current transformation. He highlighted that the key themes of “Transform Connect Inform Protect” are the essence of the 40+ acquisitions they have made in recent years. It was quite inspirational for me as a believer in Dell’s potential in enterprise IT!

I discussed a private Dell disrupting corporate IT, back at the start of 2013, and suggested that a private Dell and Dell’s transformation was about getting time for Dell to become “an innovative powerhouse of Enterprise IT” away from stock market pressures. Developments since are proving that this is indeed the case.

Michael Dell highlighted Dell’s strategies and solutions for cloud computing, mobility, data centers and IT security. He was joined on stage by customers from Rabobank and RTL for a discussion on their Dell experience and their IT challenges. The message was transform or die and both Dell and RTL have gone through such transformation.

Michael spoke of data integration with Dell Boomi. My opinion, posted in Spring 2014, remains that Dell Boomi is a real game changer in enterprise data integration. A recent Gold Stevie award for Dell Boomi, a coveted business award in the US, is an accolade for the Dell Boomi AtomSphere platform™.

Not only did we have a physical presence with a booth as a Dell Premier partner as well as a Dell Boomi partner, but we were also making quite a noise in the digital arena spreading the word about the event. A demo of Dell’s social listening via Salesforce Radian6 showed ASP’s participants as extremely active tweeters right from the conference!

At the end of the event I was energised and ever more confident that our choice to move to Dell’s enterprise portfolio was a good one. With our system integration expertise and Dell solutions, we can help any business on one hand to rationalise and conslolidate their IT infrastructures and systems to save costs, while on the other hand to ease their digital transformation to face the new mobile, cloud and social era.

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