My first job experience: ASP opened a new world to me

My first job experience: ASP opened a new world to me

About a year ago, I started working as a junior system engineer at ASP and I am happy to share my experience(s).

How did it all start?

I was taking a 6 months course to become a System Engineer, and nearly at the end of that, the managers of ASP gave a presentation in our school to explain what ASP was doing and scouted for talent afterwards with individual interviews. Job opportunities were available at ASP, and I was hired.

The first three months

Being dispatched to a customer onsite where I would spend most of my time, I started with the basics: getting acquainted with the EUCE and hosting environment. In the beginning, I was almost petrified to be there because of the overload of information. Luckily, I had and still have some of the best colleagues one could imagine. They have welcomed me warmly and with ASP’s buddy system, they assigned a colleague to me, who I can always come back to when having questions or problems. Of course, the other colleagues are also open to assist. Finally, yet importantly, the extensive documentation available made it easy to execute standard requests while getting familiar with the basics of EUCE and hosting management.

I have truly learned a lot more at ASP than during my studies. ASP is a very good place to learn the ins and outs of IT infrastructures and how the IT-environments in general work. Making mistakes is what makes us human. The focus at ASP is not upon the mistake itself, but how we as a team remediate and learn from them. Making sure they are not to be repeated.
In the past months I realized that ASP differentiates themselves through the one big ‘family’-culture that is very present within the company. At ASP, at lot is done to keep this mindset: breakfast meetings, team buildings, TECH days, …

How do I feel after 1 year at ASP?

Being here for over a year now, experiencing the motivating environment combined with positive work ethics is truly unique! The colleagues you work with and the emerging learning curve at ASP is tremendous. Looking at the opportunities and challenges I have been given pushes me forward to discover the next hop here at ASP.

Why should you join ASP?

ASP is a growing company looking for System and Network engineers. If you like a job where the work-life balance is very good and you’re seeking to learn more, I recommend you checking out the vacancies we have.

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