Our passion for IT is like the passion of a brewer for his beer…

Our passion for IT is like the passion of a brewer for his beer…

At ASP we think it is important to stay ahead of the curve and to follow the evolutions of the IT market. The constant learning at ASP can be by following a course about a new technology; or simply on the job’; or at the Tech Days that we organize twice a year.

This time we chose the brewery of Kampenhout (Brouwerij van Campenhout) for our team gathering, combining work with pleasure…

Information and knowledge exchange is one of the key strengths that drives the success of an IT engineering team

3 of our IT engineers shared with us their insights and experiences: the ins and outs of Oracle DatabasesQuality Of Service (QoS) in Networks and Software (re-)packaging for automated deployment.

Our most valuable DBA presented the Oracle databases session, which zoomed in upon the top 3 of most frequent problems which ASP standby engineers encounter. During his sessions he explained the root causes, the mechanisms and the possible solutions. Educating the standby engineering team to remain pro-active in solving the issues before they can have an impact upon our customers businesses.

During the in-depth QoS session one of our network engineers explained the different mechanisms involved in delivering a state of the art QoS solution. He covered the common misconceptions and pitfalls around QoS and explained with a use-case how QoS can and should be used.

One of the key End-User Computing Environment (EUCE) team members presented an innovative application packaging tool enabling them to package those tough installers which are very hard to automate. During the presentations it became clear that those installers can also be packaged and automatically deployed, even when they are not designed to be silently installed.

During the sessions, examples were given from projects at customers. This was really enrichting, not only for our engineering team, but also for our sales team and the management. The sessions covered ASP’s different services allowing to build bridges across the core competences within ASP.

Since it shouldn’t be all work and no play, there was a beer tasting after the presentations. First, the brewer himself let us discover the brewing process after which we had the chance to taste a variety of his self-brewed beers. In a small brewery like Brouwerij van Campenhout you can really sense the passion of the brewer for his beer… and it seems a bit similar to the passion an IT engineer has for his job.

At ASP we all share a passion for IT.

That is why the Tech Days are of main importance to us to exchange ideas, information and knowledge.

Can’t wait for the next Tech Day.

Photos here.

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