Summer Party 2016 at Tivoli, Mechelen

Summer Party 2016 at Tivoli, Mechelen

It is always interesting to see the people you meet in another context of where you are used to meet them; amongst others, that is one of the reasons why we hold a yearly BBQ event.
And this year’s edition was special. Special in so many ways!

As a starter, we were having our BBQ at a remarkable venue: the Tivoli chateau in Mechelen.
A castle dating from a couple of centuries ago. Surrounded by stunning gardens, and with the atmosphere of a real Indian summer.

The event started with a welcome drink, some time to say hello to both the people you meet on a regular basis, as well as people you almost never meet, or even have never met.
Quickly it became clear to everyone we were going to be with many attendants: customers, partners and suppliers, and of course colleagues.
The ambiance was very warm, old and new stories were being shared; the laughter was present.

Everyone was then invited inside, to receive an update from one of our founders, Doubi Ajami. And yes, he is still as energetic and enthusiast as we all know him.
Doubi elaborated on the split, on some market trends which continuously go faster and faster, and the impact it has on players in that market. ‘The Cloud’ and ‘As a service’ are hotter items than they ever were before. And let’s not forget ‘the Internet of Everything’.
Unfortunately Michael (Dell) could not join, however he was present in a video message.
After the thought-provoking presentation about the fast moving and shifting marketplace, the BBQ buffet was opened. Delicious food, and everybody is enjoying the sultry evening.
Whist enjoying the dinner, a magician was entertaining us, teasing our brains. Time flies, and the last guest left at about 1 AM; this can only be a sign they enjoyed as much as I did.

Thanks to all participants to make from this BBQ the evening it became. And a very special thanks to the organizers, as it went very smoothly.

If you weren’t there, your missed something. Hope to meet you all at one of our next events.

View photos from the event

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